Painting “Pink Borders – Berlin”
1130 euro
Painting / installation 90 x 65 cm, serie of 8 canvases Din A4 (21, 29,7 cm) – octiptych
acrylic colors (iridescent coral orange, cyan blue, white) and white spray (stencils work) –
Laetitia Hildebrand, 04.2024
This painting represents the old border between the districts Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain. The bridge was a check point during the cold war.
I love this place in springtime, near the “East Side Gallery” (biggest rest of the #berlinwall . Berlin is hard & peaceful : the beauty of contrasts! These cherry trees (symbol of Peace in Japan) are although planted after war on the border of the Berlin Wall.
In the background you can see the graffiti “Pink Man” (or Leviathan) of the great artist Blu @blu for the Backjump Festival in 2007 and the graffiti on the right of Paradoxe @paradox (Berlin Kidz). Unfortunately, they were removed a few months ago as the building needed to be renovated.
Some other graffiti are on the other side of the river, in the district of Kreuzberg, of the building #bonjourtristesse and “Bitte Lebn” on the canvas, (right bottom of the installation).
Inspiration: Urban Sketch 19.04.2021, “Oberbaumbrücke” (Berlin- Friedrichshain) ©Laetitia Hildebrand
Here you can see the Oberbaumbrücke Berlin – Big Poster panoramique.