08.11.2020- Flughafen Berlin-Tegel (Reinickendorf)

© Laetitia hildebrand
Merci Tegel! Danke Tegel! 

I drew from the @airporttegel (Berlin) with a nice light
It was the LAST FLY with a plane of Air FRANCE (AF1235) to Paris!
Tu diras bonjour à Paris que je n’ai pas vu depuis 1 an et demie! 
It was the LAST FLY with a plane of Air FRANCE (AF1235) to Paris!

It was many Berliner there to say good bye to this cool airport.
Since I was born, I came every years in this place for christmas time. Also during the Wall!
Since I was born, I came every years in this place for christmas time. Also during the Wall!
