17.01.2019- Mehringplatz (Berlin-Kreuzberg)

© Laetitia hildebrand
Urbansketch during the nice light of the sunset, near Hallesches Tor 🌅 It was so cold, that I drew only during 45 minutes of this historic place.
In the background there are some graffitis of @paradox_fuckthesystem and @obeygiant 🌷
Technics mix: fineliners, ink, dry pastels, coloured pencils, watercolour.
Due to its circular shape, Mehringplatz was initially named „Rondell“. On 22 October 1815, it was renamed „Belle-Alliance-Platz“ after the Battle of La Belle Alliance,
an alternative name for the Battle of Waterloo. „Rondell“ was the southern entrance to Berlin. This „Friedenssäule“ (Peace Column) was constructed in 1830.
#urbansketch #berlinusk #sketchbook #usk #Urbansketcher
#Berlin #Kreuzberg #streetartberlin #streetart #History
#illustrationoftheday #LaetiBerlin