19.12.2018- The Hoo, Bar Tausend (Berlin-Mitte)

© Laetitia hildebrand
Such a concert yesterday @bartausendberlin with “The Hoo“! ⭐@insta
Specially thanks @tristano.pala (singer and plays transverse flute) &
Anthony Malka (on the keybord) aka @lecommandantcouchetot (https://lecommandantcouchetot.com) for the good vibes!!!🔊 😎⚡⚡⚡
This band combinated: Jazz, italien Hip hop, rock and electronic music. That’s really a pity, because it was them last show after 7 years! 😭
I drew this sketch (10 Min.) from the confortable couch. The crazy atmosphere of the band and the public was really funny in this chic bar !😆 Dit is Berlin 😉
#goodvibes #electrofunk #hiphop #concert #doodle
#urbansketch #usk #uskberlin #livesketching #clubberlin #Berlin #laetiberlin