03.10.2018- Mediaspree, Oberbaumbrücke (Berlin-Kreuzberg)

© Laetitia hildebrand
It was really windy for the German Unity day! 🎏 03.10.
*So arschkalt an der Ufer musste ich sehr schnell zeichnen!😅🌀❄ Reunification symbol here with the sculpture of “The Molecule Men” on the “Spree”.
These 3 personnages represents 3 districts of Berlin (Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain and Alt-Treptow), who were seperated during the cold war.
PEACE sensation during this sunset but … not really with this boat (of pirates?). ☠
On the firstground who defends the rights of Berlin …against the real estate project “Mediaspree” on the other side of the river, in Friedrichshain.
#urbansketch #berlinusk #sketchbook #usk #Urbansketcher
#Berlin #Kreuzberg #Spree #Friedrichshain #moleculemen #streetartberlin
#unity #reunification #pictoftheday #illustrationoftheday #LaetiBerlin