09.09.2018- Weltbaum (Berlin-Tiergarten)

© Laetitia hildebrand
In the morning I drew this wall with a nice sunlight, near the S-bahn trainstation “Tiergarten”.
In few days it will be hidden by a new building🏗…
But don’t worry, the street artist Ben Wagin did last May a copie of his artwork in Berlin-Moabit. Painted in 1975, it’s the OLDEST street art piece of Berlin!!!⚡⚡⚡
Untitled “WELTBAUM” (World Tree), it’s a critical of the industrial society. Moreover Ben Wagin is an activist for the defence of the Nature.
For example, he planted some trees front the church “Gedächniskirche” or front the theatre “Berliner Ensemble”.💚🌳✊
#urbansketch #workinprogress #berlinusk #sketchbook
#usk #Urbansketcher #streetart #streetartberlin #Berlin #Tiergarten
#pictoftheday #illustrationoftheday #LaetiBerlin