26.02.2019- Amtsgericht, Brunnenplatz (Berlin-Wedding)

© Laetitia hildebrand
This morning I was motivated to draw this beautiful building of the justice. It’s in the berliner quartel “Wedding”, front of the parc of “Brunnenplatz”.
The Amtsgericht Wedding was built between 1901 and 1906, from R. Moennich and P. Thoemer.
It looks like Gothic flamboyant architecture. But the style called auf german “historismus” and regroup all the architecture styles who are inspired from an historic architecture style.
Is it an anachronism? Capito? 🙃
A crazy work with so much details, this is like a lace dress!!! 😅
Tools: black fineliner (0.05 and 0.1), wash and chalk
#wedding #Berlin #urbansketch #usk #uskberlin #history
#illustrationoftheday #LaetiBerlin